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Interpreting bloods – What Blood Markers Tell You About Commonly Prescribed Drugs


Blood tests are a fundamental component of medicines management and a necessary prerequisite for a comprehensive medication review. Clinical Rx®’s interpretation of bloods guide is a crucial required tool for all healthcare professionals, providing them with the knowledge and skills necessary to interpret blood test results accurately, effectively and with clinical confidence.


Blood tests are a fundamental component of medicines management and a necessary prerequisite for a comprehensive medication review. Blood tests provide a gateway to identifying abnormalities within the body, which may be directly linked to medications, lifestyle choices, or hereditary factors. By identifying these abnormalities, clinicians can take appropriate recommended actions to optimise the patient’s therapeutic care plan or refer for specialist input.

Clinical Rx®’s interpretation of bloods guide is a crucial required tool for all healthcare professionals, providing them with the knowledge and skills necessary to interpret blood test results accurately, effectively and with clinical confidence.


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